Africa embraces green transport with rapid adoption of e-bikes

Africa embraces green transport with rapid adoption of e-bikes

Source: Internet

Editor: GlobalEV


2024-08-14 15:46:00

In Kenya's capital Nairobi, motorcycles have become an essential choice for residents due to their flexibility, convenience and affordability, with an increasing number of electric models on the roads.

Driven by growing environmental awareness and technological advancements, many African countries have begun actively promoting electric motorcycles in recent years to reduce pollution and shift toward sustainable transportation.


With the development of online motorcycle taxi services, the African motorcycle market is experiencing significant growth.

In Kenya, Africa's largest motorcycle taxi market, 5.2 million people are employed in motorcycle transport, with one in ten relying on motorcycles for their livelihood. Due to the recent surge in fuel prices, electric motorcycles have become the preferred option, as their cost per kilometer is only about 10 percent of the gasoline-powered ones.

This significant advantage has led to a boom in electric motorcycles in the African market. According to the latest report by Powering Renewable Energy, a think tank, the African motorcycle market is expected to reach 5.07 billion U.S. dollars by 2027, with electric motorcycles becoming the dominant product in the transition to sustainable transport in sub-Saharan Africa.
这一显著优势导致了非洲市场电动摩托车的繁荣。根据智库Powering Renewable Energy的最新报告,到2027年,非洲摩托车市场预计将达到50.7亿美元,电动摩托车将成为撒哈拉以南非洲向可持续交通过渡的主导产品。

Many African countries are also considering ways to reduce pollution by promoting electric travel. According to Joyce Msuya, former deputy executive director of the United Nations Environment Programme, the rapid development of electric motorcycles in Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and other African countries "will reduce costs, air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, as well as create jobs."
许多非洲国家也在考虑通过推广电动旅行来减少污染。联合国环境规划署前副执行主任Joyce Msuya表示,电动摩托车在肯尼亚、卢旺达、乌干达和其他非洲国家的快速发展“将降低成本、减少空气污染和温室气体排放,并创造就业机会。”


Based in Kampala, Uganda's capital, Gogo Electric, one of the country's three leading electric motorcycle manufacturers, imports lithium-ion batteries from China and assembles electric motorcycles for the local market.
Gogo Electric总部位于乌干达首都坎帕拉,是该国三大电动摩托车制造商之一,从中国进口锂离子电池,并为当地市场组装电动摩托车。

Customers can always bring their used batteries to a battery swap station, where they can get a fully charged battery at a lower price, said Janos Bisasso, the chief operating officer of Gogo Electric.
Gogo Electric的首席运营官Janos Bisasso表示,客户总是可以将用过的电池带到电池交换站,在那里他们可以以更低的价格获得充满电的电池。

Bisasso said that over time, customers may realize that swapping batteries is less expensive than refueling, which may encourage them to choose electric motorcycles.

Official data shows that the transport sector is one of the country's main sources of pollution, making a transition to green-energy transport necessary.

The country will fully transition to electric mobility in public transport and motorcycle taxis by 2030. It will entirely shift to selling electric vehicles by 2040, according to Uganda's National E-Mobility Strategy, published last November.

Under this strategy, a sustainable transport system will be established, with a more than 25 percent reduction in transport-related emissions and the creation of over 500,000 green jobs by 2040.


According to a report by the International Energy Agency, the electric vehicle market in Africa has seen rapid growth in recent years, with notable successes in countries such as South Africa, Nigeria and Kenya.

With their technical experience in motorcycle manufacturing and batteries, Chinese companies have contributed significantly to this "revolution" with their affordable, high-quality products.

ARC Ride, a start-up in Kenya, has based its R&D, assembly and sales locally, but some parts still need to be imported from China, India and Japan, with China providing the majority.
ARC Ride是肯尼亚的一家初创公司,其研发、组装和销售都是在当地进行的,但一些零件仍需要从中国、印度和日本进口,其中中国提供了大部分。

Spiro Electric Vehicles, another major player in African electric vehicles, signed a strategic cooperation agreement with a Chinese company in 2023 to sell 500,000 electric motorcycles over the next five years, covering emerging markets such as Kenya and Uganda.
非洲电动车的另一个主要参与者Spiro Electric Vehicles于2023年与一家中国公司签署了一项战略合作协议,在未来五年内销售50万辆电动摩托车,覆盖肯尼亚和乌干达等新兴市场。

"China is an inspiration for many African companies in the field of electric transport," said Bisasso. "Gogo Electric plans to build the largest lithium-ion battery assembly plant in East Africa this year, and China is a key partner in this endeavor."
Bisasso说:“中国是许多非洲公司在电动交通领域的灵感来源。”。“Gogo Electric计划今年在东非建造最大的锂离子电池组装厂,中国是这一努力的关键合作伙伴。”