Summary of the Global Market Development of EBIKE from 2023 to 2024

Summary of the Global Market Development of EBIKE from 2023 to 2024

Source: Internet

Editor: GlobalEV


2024-06-24 09:45:00

Driven by the global goal of “carbon neutrality”, the two-wheeled transportation sector is undergoing a profound electrification transformation. From 2020 to 2024, in just four years, the eBike two wheeler market experienced a ups and downs.
在“碳中和”的全球目标推动下,两轮出行领域正迎来一场深刻的电气化变革。2020年到2024年,短短4年,eBike两轮车市场经历了一次up and down。

According to the latest market research report, the global electric bicycle market is currently worth 49.7 billion US dollars. The market share of new green transportation vehicles such as electric bicycles and electric scooters has been increasing year by year, and they have become popular choices in the short distance travel field.
根据最新的市场研究报告,目前,全球电动自行车市场规模为 497 亿美元。电动自行车和电动滑板车等新型绿色交通工具的市场占有率逐年攀升,已成为短途出行领域的热门选择。

At present, Europe remains the main sales base for eBike, while North America, Japan, and South Korea are all potential development markets. Among them, Europe is dominated by markets such as Germany, France, Netherlands,Belgium,and Luxembourg . Meanwhile, due to the cycling culture sparked by the pandemic, the demand for eBikes in the US market is also constantly increasing.

Overall, the eBike trend is still ongoing. Although the market competition is fierce, over time, the period of disorderly competition will gradually be eliminated, and the market will develop towards scale and standardization.

This means that only enterprises with economies of scale, product quality, and service standards can survive and stand out in the market. In addition, with the government's increasing promotion and support for green travel policies, the entire eBike industry has ushered in unprecedented development opportunities. At the same time, this also means that industry standardization will be the future trend, and enterprises need to comply with relevant regulations and policies, improve product quality and user safety, in order to stand undefeated in fierce competition.