Out of every ten cars, one Chinese made electric vehicle enters Mexico, causing concern from the US side

Out of every ten cars, one Chinese made electric vehicle enters Mexico, causing concern from the US side

Source: Internet

Editor: GlobalEV


2024-06-18 16:24:00

On June 17th, Beijing time, according to Reuters, one out of every 10 cars currently sold in Mexico comes from a Chinese automaker, with seven Chinese brands entering the Mexican market last year alone. According to S&P Global Market Intelligence, the import volume of electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles from China to Mexico in the first quarter increased by 443.9% compared to the same period last year.
北京时间6月17日,据路透社报道,目前在墨西哥销售的每10辆汽车中就有1辆来自中国汽车制造商,仅去年一年就有7个中国品牌进入墨西哥市场。根据标准普尔全球市场情报(S&P Global Market Intelligence)的数据,第一季度中国电动汽车和插电式混合动力汽车于墨西哥的进口量与去年同期相比增长了443.9%。

"Almost overnight, we began to see Chinese cars driving in Mexico," said Juan Carlos Baker, former Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade of Mexico. "From the frequency of seeing Chinese electric vehicles and the level of enthusiasm of Chinese electric vehicles in marketing and sales activities, it is obvious that a large number of Chinese electric vehicles have entered the Mexican market."
“几乎在一夜之间,我们开始看到中国汽车在墨西哥行驶,”墨西哥前外贸部副部长胡安·卡洛斯·贝克(Juan Carlos Baker)说。“从你看到中国电动汽车的频率以及中国电动汽车在营销和销售活动的积极程度来看,中国电动汽车已经大量进入墨西哥市场的情况是显而易见的。”

Chinese electric vehicles with high cost-effectiveness dominate the rapidly growing market and weaken the market position of American automakers such as General Motors, Ford, and Tesla in the process, which has raised concerns in the United States.

Although Baker pointed out that no Chinese car manufacturers have yet started producing cars in Mexico, US lawmakers are concerned that car companies will use China as a back door to avoid US import tariffs on Chinese cars.

Not long ago, the White House officially announced a series of new tariffs on Chinese goods, which will increase tariffs on Chinese imports worth $18 billion. The tariff on electric vehicles will increase from 25% to 100%.

Apart from Mexico, Chinese electric vehicle manufacturers have already occupied 86% of the market share in Latin America. According to data from the Brazilian Electric Vehicle Association, Brazil is already the fourth largest importer of Chinese cars, with new sales of electric vehicles increasing by 91%. Domestic car manufacturers BYD, Chery, and GWM have already occupied three of the top five car brands in the country.