SUNRA successfully attended the Expobici show and opened a brand-new flagship store in Guatemala

SUNRA successfully attended the Expobici show and opened a brand-new flagship store in Guatemala

Source: Internet

Editor: GlobalEV


2022-12-27 15:02:00

In 2021, China electric motorcycle imports in Central America totaled is estimated to reach $365 million, a 1.42% increase over 2020, with Guatemala being the largest importer in the region. Guatemala, which has the largest motorcycle market in Central America, is expected to become a pioneer in green and pollution-free electric vehicles.

On Nov 26, 2022 - Nov 27, 2022, SUNRA had a big presence at the Expobici show which is regarded as one of the biggest national outdoor bicycle & scooter events at Guatemala City. Many SUNRA high-end and hot-selling models including MIKU Super, Robo-s, RONIC, Grace successfully attracted a lot of audience attention. Although for local residents in Guatemala, electric vehicles and electric bikes are still a new thing that lacks widespread awareness and familiarity, people are still keen to learn about the various products of SUNRA exhibited at the show. People were surprised by the vehicle's personalized design, diverse functions and convenient use, and further felt the charm of 100% pure electric vehicles through on-site test drives.
2022年11月26日至27日,新日在危地马拉城举办的墨西哥自行车展会上大放异彩,该展会被视为危地马拉城最大的全国户外自行车和踏板车活动之一。包括MIKU Super、Robo-s、RONIC、Grace在内的许多新日高端热销车型成功吸引了大量观众的关注。尽管对于危地马拉当地居民来说,电动汽车和电动自行车仍然是一种新事物,缺乏广泛的认识和熟悉,但人们仍然热衷于了解展会上展出的新日的各种产品。人们对该车的个性化设计、多样化功能和便捷使用感到惊讶,并通过现场试驾进一步感受到了100%纯电动车的魅力。

This show has well expanded the brand appeal of SUNRA in overseas markets, and at the same time, to a certain extent, it has helped the export progress of electric vehicles manufactured in China. Before the Expobici show, SUNRA has already established its SUNRA flagship store and made the official presentation of the SUNRA brand in Guatemala, focusing on developing greener transportation vehicles and supporting electric mobility in the country.

More importantly, more and more people believe that electrification is the trend of the future. At the same time, today's social and environmental conditions urgently require zero pollution and zero emission vehicles that can achieve sustainable development. It is a big honor for SUNRA to contribute to further construction of the electric vehicle industry, protect the environment, change and improve people transportation.