Ninebot: Using 'two wheels' to go global and conquer the world

Ninebot: Using 'two wheels' to go global and conquer the world

Source: Internet

Editor: GlobalEV


2022-01-11 13:40:00

Under the wave of globalization, the world has formed a unified international market, and mobile internet, as the engine driving globalization, will reshape the industrial landscape of the new era.

Nowadays, Chinese technology Ninebot, which focuses on innovative short transportation and robotics, is adding depth and understanding to the story of Chinese brand voyage, using two wheels to bring each other closer.

It is reported that Ninebot, established in 2012, is deeply engaged in the field of intelligent short transportation, and its products have been distributed in 225 countries and regions around the world. In the process of globalization, replicating standardized products and services globally and opening up international markets is a common approach. According to official data from Ninebot, as of December 2021, in the field of innovative short transportation alone, the company has over 7.7 million global network users, accumulated over 4.8 billion kilometers of cycling mileage, an average of over 80 million user visits within 30 days, and a total of over 400 million vehicle startups.
据悉,成立于2012年的九号公司,深耕智能短交通领域,产品已遍布全球225个国家和地区。在全球化进程中,将标准化产品和服务复制给全球,打通国际市场是一种常规思路。 据九号公司官方数据,截至2021年12月,仅创新短交通领域,九号公司全球入网用户数就超770万人,累计骑行里程超48亿公里,平均30日用户访问量超8000万次,车辆累计启动次数超4亿次。

Step by step, Ninebot has solidly built its own competitive barriers and gradually strengthened its industrial intelligent manufacturing capabilities, greatly enhancing the competitive advantage of Chinese brands in terms of efficiency, speed, and cost control.The overseas journey of Ninebot provides practical ideas for Chinese brands to conquer the world, which is a good observation case, action guide, and can also be used for reference.